Packers,Products,Sewage Straight Repairs

Flexible Packers

Leak Away™ flexible packers are suitable for patch repairs ranging from 1 up to 5 meters. Flexible packers are equipped with a bypass and wheel system that allows positioning along the pipel ine. Flexible Packers bend allowing them to fit through manholes easily.

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Product Features

  • Available in multiple sizes
  • Flexible and easy to manoeuvre
  • Wheels can be removed easily
  • Easy to push around corners
  • Manufactured with anti-slip pattern

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Flexible Packers Technical Data
Product Code Size (mm) Size Usage Range Min. (mm) Size Usage Range Max. (mm) Working Pressure (bar) Deflated Packer Dia. (mm) Deflated Packer Length (mm) Weight (kg) Rubber Length (mm) Bypass Dia. (female)
PFL101510M 100-150 x 1.0 100 150 2.5 65 1080 2.1 1000 N/A
PFL101515M 100-150 x 1.5 100 150 2.5 65 1580 2.5 1500 N/A
PFL101520M 100-150 x 2.0 100 150 2.5 65 1980 2.8 1900 N/A
PFL101525M 100-150 x 2.5 100 150 2.5 65 2580 3.3 2500 N/A
PFL101530M 100-150 x 3.0 100 150 2.5 65 3080 4.2 3000 N/A
PFL101540M 100-150 x 4.0 100 150 2.5 65 4080 5.0 4000 N/A
PFL101550M 100-150 x 5.0 100 150 2.5 65 4980 6.0 4900 N/A
PFL152510M 150-250 x 1.0 150 250 2.0 112 1080 8.0 1000 2"
PFL152515M 150-250 x 1.5 150 250 2.0 112 1580 9.5 1500 2"
PFL152520M 150-250 x 2.0 150 250 2.0 112 1980 11.0 1900 2"
PFL152525M 150-250 x 2.5 150 250 2.0 112 2580 14.3 2500 2"
PFL152530M 150-250 x 3.0 150 250 2.0 112 3080 15.2 3000 2"
PFL152540M 150-250 x 4.0 150 250 2.0 112 4080 17.2 4000 2"
PFL152550M 150-250 x 5.0 150 250 2.0 112 4980 21.4 4900 2"
PFL203010M 200-300 x 1.0 200 300 1.5 210 1080 11.3 1000 2"
PFL203015M 200-300 x 1.5 200 300 1.5 210 1580 13.3 1900 2"
PFL203020M 200-300 x 2.0 200 300 1.5 210 1980 14.3 2500 2"
PFL203025M 200-300 x 2.5 200 300 1.5 210 2580 15.2 3000 2"
PFL203030M 200-300 x 3.0 200 300 1.5 210 3080 17.2 4000 2"
PFL203040M 200-300 x 4.0 200 300 1.5 210 4080 19.1 4900 2"
PFL304010M 300-400 x 1.0 300 400 1.5 210 4980 19.2 1000 3"
PFL304015M 300-400 x 1.5 300 400 1.5 210 1080 21.6 1500 3"
PFL304020M 300-400 x 2.0 300 400 1.5 210 1980 25.0 1900 3"
PFL304025M 300-400 x 2.5 300 400 1.5 210 2580 30.0 2500 3"
PFL304030M 300-400 x 3.0 300 400 1.5 210 3080 33.0 3000 3"
PFL304040M 300-400 x 4.0 300 400 1.5 210 4080 41.5 4000 3"
PFL304050M 300-400 x 5.0 300 400 1.5 210 4980 47.0 4900 3"
PFL456010M 450-600 x 1.0 450 600 1.2 340 1080 34.5 1000 3"
PFL456015M 450-600 x 1.5 450 600 1.2 340 1580 36.6 1500 3"
PFL456020M 450-600 x 2.0 450 600 1.2 340 1980 41.6 1900 3"
PFL456025M 450-600 x 2.5 450 600 1.2 340 2580 50.0 2500 3"
PFL456030M 450-600 x 3.0 450 600 1.2 340 3080 53.0 3000 3"

Spare Parts


Packers should be stored flat and away from direct sunlight. The storage temperature should ideally be between +5° and +25°C (41 to 77°F).

Packers should always be stored horizontally or hung vertically from eye-bolts to protect the inflation connectors and eye-bolts against mechanical and abrasion damage. For shipping, packers may be folded or have the air sucked out of them, but as soon as they are received they should be unpacked, laid flat and allowed to ‘re-inflate’ back to atmospheric pressure.

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Flexible Packers

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